Gower AM welcomes £30 million funding to support health and social care services this winter9/10/2019
Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, has welcomed the Welsh Government’s announcement of an additional £30 million of funding to support the delivery of frontline health and social care services this winter. Rebecca Evans AM said: “This is a positive announcement as we know that winter puts additional pressure on the NHS and social services. The money will help more people access care closer to home, and enable people to leave hospital without delay, with appropriate ongoing care or support in place.” Of the £30 million, £17 million will be allocated to Regional Partnership Boards to promote integrated, regional planning and £10 million to local health boards to support delivery of urgent and emergency care services in line with the priorities identified for the winter. The remaining £3 million will be used for nationally targeted actions, consistent with the approach taken last winter. Rebecca Evans added: “This year the NHS is having to deal with the additional strain of preparing for a potential no-deal Brexit, which could have a significant effect on services. But with this extra funding and careful planning with local health boards, Regional Partnership Board and other partners, Welsh Government is doing everything it can to ensure services continue to run effectively.” Gower Assembly Member, Rebecca Evans AM, has welcomed the annual report from the Welsh Government’s National Advisers on violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence, which sets out the government’s progress so far and reflects on the challenges ahead. Rebecca Evans AM said: “I am encouraged that the advisors say that where Wales leads, the rest of the UK follows. “There is still work to do, and we must not be complacent, but we have much to celebrate and a good position to work from.” The Welsh Government is keen to ensure services across Wales are accessible to all; support victims and survivors to seek help and ensure that professionals have the tools and knowledge to act. It is focussed on improving awareness of violence against women and the support available; and helping children and young people to understand healthy relationships and that abusive behaviour is always wrong. Rebecca Evans, who has long recognised the importance of equipping young people to understand healthy relationships, said: “I welcome that Welsh Government is ensuring there will be opportunity within the new Curriculum to develop this work.” |