To mark International Women’s Day 2018, Chwarae Teg are launching ‘LeadHerShip’ - a day to give young women in Wales the opportunity to shadow their Assembly Member at the National Assembly for Wales.
The day will give participants the opportunity to meet with their Assembly Member, shadow them in their work and gain experience of the Assembly. Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, said: “The Welsh Assembly has an encouraging record of women being elected to serve as AMs, but we must not be complacent. There is still work to be done. “Women make a huge contribution to communities across Wales every day, in so many ways. Shadowing days, like this one, provide women with a unique opportunity to explore whether putting themselves forward for an elected role is something that they would like to do.” The shadowing day will take place on Tuesday, 27th February 2018. The deadline for applications is 5pm 26th January 2018. To find out more please email [email protected]m For further details please go to WWW.CTEG.ORG.UK/LEADHERSHIP Comments are closed.