Gower Assembly Member, Rebecca Evans AM, has welcomed far reaching plans to ban the most commonly littered single use plastics in Wales. The Welsh Government is to consult on restricting the sale of a wide-range throw-away plastics, including straws, stirrers, cotton buds and cutlery. The ban could be in place as early as next year and see Wales once again leading the way on single use plastics. Wales has a proud record when it comes to recycling, the Welsh Government led the way in the UK on the single use plastic carrier bag charge and Wales is ranked third in the world for household recycling. Rebecca Evans AM said: “I am immensely proud that Welsh Labour has led the way on recycling and I am pleased that we are looking to continue to lead by banning single use plastics. “It is clear that we need to act now to address the issue of single use plastics, and the damage that they are doing to ecosystems globally.” Comments are closed.