Rebecca Evans, AM for Gower, has welcomed moves by the Welsh Government to make guidance covering school uniforms statutory. The new updated and strengthened guidance, which will be issued for a 12 week consultation this autumn, will have a focus on affordability. Rebecca Evans AM said, “Affordability of school uniforms is crucial for families, especially those being hit hard austerity. “The need for the Welsh Government to step in has been reinforced by parents of pupils from Penyrheol Comprehensive school who contacted me expressing concern that the new uniform was much more expensive than they were used to, and only available from certain suppliers in a more limited range of fittings. “I remain of the view that cheaper alternatives can look just as smart, and can be replaced more easily when children grow or when there is wear and tear.” Rebecca Evans AM is urging parents to contribute to the consultation when it opens shortly. She is also encouraging parents to find out whether they are eligible for the Welsh Government’s new PDG Access fund which offers parents or carers £125 to buy school uniforms, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for their child. She said, “All children deserve the best start in life, and this fund can be a helping hand in meeting some of the costs that families face this time of year.” Looked-after children and learners eligible for free school meals will be eligible for this grant if they are entering reception class in primary school, entering year 7 in secondary school or aged 4 or 11 in special schools, Special Educational Needs (SEN) Units or Pupil Referral Units. Comments are closed.