In his last few months as First Minister, Carwyn Jones spent time visiting all forty Welsh constituencies. When he came to Gower, I wanted to show off some of the wonderful work being done in the schools in our area. I had the pleasure of welcoming him to Penyrheol Primary School to meet the staff and pupils and see first-hand some of his Government’s policies in action. Active travel is a key area for the Welsh Government. Indeed, Wales’ active travel legislation is world-leading. Active travel offers a simple way of building physical activity into everyday lives and bringing associated health improvements; and reducing motorised traffic and with it air pollution, carbon emissions and congestion. With the help of local Penyrheol Labour Councillors Jan Curtice and Andrew Stevens who provided funding for the school to buy bikes, scooters and other equipment, the school is forging ahead wholeheartedly with its active travel ambitions. With support from the Welsh Government-funded Sustrans Active Journeys, and balance bike training for staff with Balanceability, things have gone from strength to strength. In my previous Ministerial role, I introduced and officially launched the ‘Daily Mile’ initiative in Wales. The Daily Mile is an easy and fun way for children to improve their health and wellbeing. It is a fantastic way to support young people to get the recommended amount of physical activity, and will help them grow up healthier and happier. It is great to see that the children at Penyrheol Primary school have so enthusiastically embraced the Daily Mile, and I know the First Minister was impressed! We also enjoyed a sneak-preview of one of the songs for the Christmas play when we toured the school, and saw an IT class in action. Thank you to everyone at the school for the wonderful welcome. Keep up the great work! Comments are closed.