Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, has written to every school in her constituency encouraging them to engage with Unicef UK’s OutRight campaign. OutRight is an annual campaign run by Unicef UK to help teach children and young people about their rights here in the UK and around the world. Rebecca Evans AM said: “This year, OutRight will help children and young people learn about the effects of air pollution on their health with a view to empowering them to stand up for their right to good health and a clean environment to live, learn and play. “We are fortunate in Swansea, because the Council has embedded the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into the way it sets its policies. This isn’t the same for all children across the globe, and the OutRight campaign gives children the chance to consider rights in a global context whilst exploring the matter of air pollution - one of the most serious public health issues facing children in the UK and across the world.” Comments are closed.