Rebecca Evans AM for Gower has written to the UK CEO of the RBS Group, of which NatWest is a part, following the announcement that the branch will be closing in June 2018. Rebecca Evans AM said: "We all know the pressure that the high street banking industry is under because of advances in technology and changes in customers' banking behaviour. However, it is often the most vulnerable who suffer the most, and the closure of one bank after the other across our communities is just not good enough. I am seeking a much more strategic and innovative approach to community banking to stem the tide of banks leaving our high streets in Wales. "Mumbles has numerous independent retailers, and small businesses tell me that they need access to a local bank in order to manage their money. Business people in Mumbles are extremely concerned about what Nat West’s departure will mean for them and their ability to operate. "I am also very concerned about our older residents, for some of whom online banking just isn't a realistic option. Lots of older people prefer to use cash and manage their household budget on a week to week basis. Travelling considerable distances to use the bank is not as easy as it sounds for people who don't have a car, particularly for those who are older or disabled." Rebecca Evans will be meeting with a representative of NatWest to discuss the issue further. Comments are closed.