Rebecca Evans, current AM for Mid and West Wales and Welsh Labour's Assembly candidate for Gower, has welcomed the latest figures which show that more GP services are opening for longer, making it easier for people to access services.
The latest figures (for 2015), published this week, show that 78 percent of GP practices across Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board are offering appointments after 5pm, five days a week, compared to just 61 percent in 2013. Twelve percent of practices are offering appointments before 8.30am, five days a week. In addition to this, the percentage of GP surgeries with half day closures across the Health Board area has fallen from seven percent in 2013, to four percent. Rebecca Evans said: "These figures show that the Labour Welsh Government is delivering on what was a key promise to the people of Wales. "Longer, more flexible, opening hours are good news for patients as they improve access to vital healthcare services. "I am pleased to see the progress being made in ensuring that more GP appointments are available after 5pm, and I am glad to see that the number of surgeries closing half-day has fallen significantly. "I hope this provides strong foundations for even more improvement. We cannot be complacent, and I will continue to push for further improvements to GP opening times so that everyone can access the help that they need from their GP or practice nurse in a quick and convenient way, wherever they live." Comments are closed.