Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, is backing Catch the Bus Week which runs between 3rd and 9th July. Catch the Bus Week is a national campaign run by Greener Journeys to celebrate the importance of buses and public transport, while encouraging people who don’t usually think of taking the bus to leave their car at home and get on board. Rebecca Evans, who successfully campaigned for the reinstatement of a twice-daily bus service in Mount Pleasant, Gowerton, said: "Buses are integral to communities, and are our most widely used mode of public transport. They carry many people to work and school every day, provide vital access to services, and keep our roads moving - with resulting benefits for local air quality. "Declining bus use can put services at risk, and when a service it cut it makes it more difficult for people to take up a job or training, or access services, shops and social opportunities. I was delighted to work with local residents and the local authority to reinstate a bus service in Mount Pleasant - but the message was clear: use it or lose it." Andrew Jenkins, campaigner for Catch the Bus Week, said: "Despite their contribution to the economy, to the environment, and to our society, buses are all too easily overlooked. Catch the Bus Week allows us to shine the spotlight on buses, and I am thankful that Rebecca Evans recognises this and is supporting this campaign." Comments are closed.