Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, has visited Murton Clinic to meet with children's speech and language therapists who work across the health board area. Speech and language therapists provide treatment, support and care for people who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing. Rebecca Evans AM said: “I was delighted to have the opportunity to meet with the paediatric speech and language therapy service at Murton Clinic. "The team does fantastic work with children and their families to help give them the best start in life. "We know that around 7% of children at 5 years of age have speech, language and communication needs, and this increases in areas of social disadvantage where half of the children have significant language delay. The work of the speech and language team is crucial in helping us address health inequalities. "Early support and intervention is crucial as vocabulary difficulties at age 5 are significantly associated with poor literacy, mental health and employment outcomes by the age of 34. "I was really struck by the dedication of the team who clearly have incredible passion for the work that they do. They can rightly be proud of the work that they do supporting families in Gower and beyond." Comments are closed.