Welsh Labour's Assembly candidate for Gower, Rebecca Evans, has welcomed new figures which show that the percentage of children persistently absent from schools across Swansea has fallen steadily under the current Labour council administration.
The percentage of children persistently absent from primary schools in Swansea has more than halved since 2011/12, from 3 percent to 1.2 percent; and the percentage of pupils persistently absent from secondary schools has fallen from 7.7 percent to 4.3 percent during the same period. Absenteeism at both primary and secondary schools in Swansea is lower than the Wales average. Rebecca Evans said: "School attendance across Wales has reached its highest recorded levels. "It is particularly encouraging that absenteeism for pupils eligible for free school meals is at its lowest ever recorded level for both primary and secondary school pupils, although we cannot be complacent. I will work with council colleagues to continue to drive down absenteeism by tackling the complex range of issues that lie behind some pupils' absence from school. "This good news comes hot on the heels of the recent National School Categorisation results which showed that schools across Gower are improving. "Raised standards of education across the constituency are the result of strong leadership from the Welsh Government, and hard work and dedication of our teachers and staff who strive to ensure that their pupils are supported to achieve their full potential. It is also a tribute to the work of the Labour administration in Swansea which, despite savage cuts from the Westminster Government, is doing all it can to support schools and young people. "This all follows on from last summer's GCSE results which were the best we have ever seen in Wales. Tribute must also go to our pupils who are working so hard week after week." Comments are closed.