Rebecca Evans AM, Assembly Member for Gower, has hailed the success of the Welsh Government’s Train Work Live campaign as Wales exceeded its GP training places target. Mrs Evans said: “Following the conclusion of all three rounds of recruitment in 2017, the Wales Deanery has now confirmed the appointment of 144 GP training places, surpassing the 136 places available. This compares to 121 places that were filled in 2016 – an increase of 19%. “It follows the launch of a UK-wide and international campaign to promote Wales as an excellent place for doctors - including GPs - to train, work and live.” The campaign includes two financial incentives schemes: a targeted scheme offering a £20,000 incentive to GP trainees taking up posts in specified areas with a trend of low fill rates, and a universal scheme offering a one off payment for all GP trainees to cover the cost of one sitting of their final examinations. Mrs Evans added: “We know what a great place Wales is to work and live. The more we celebrate this, the more we can attract highly skilled people to work here. “With the impressive response to the campaign, it has now been extended to encourage trainee psychiatrists to come to Wales, which is a particular recruitment challenge across the whole of the UK.” Comments are closed.